Odnos vojske Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije do Slovencev
Ključne besede:
Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia, army, Slovenia, Slovene, relationsPovzetek
The attitude of the Army towards Slovenians in the time of the Kingdom of SHS or Yugoslavia is a topic involving several methodological as well as other research problems that historians have to address. The title is multi-layered. This may not be obvious at the first sight, but it is nevertheless of fundamental importance for the researcher. Several questions emerge: are we referring to the attitude of the Army towards Slovenians as a nation or the Slovenian culture; or its attitude towards individuals - Slovenian soldiers and officers or Slovenian civilians; or maybe its attitude towards the Slovenian territory? It is also important »who«, on the side of the Army, has an attitude towards Slovenians: the supreme command, general, officers, soldiers, etc. What is the professional attitude of the Army members and what is their private or even intimate attitude? Naturally, the Army’s at- titude towards Slovenians is closely connected with the Slovenian attitude towards the Army, and it is impossible to draw a precise line between them. The contribution focuses on the issue of the Slove- nian territory in the military plans; on the question of the attitude of the Army of the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia to Slovenian soldiers and officers; on the significance of Slovenia/Slovenians in the ideological constructs of the Army; and on the life of officers in the Slovenian part of the country.
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