Ivan Dečko’s First Term of Office in the Provincial Assembly (1890–96)


  • Filip Čuček Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History




Styria, Austro-Hungary, Maribor, Celje, political history, Ivan Dečko


In the present contribution, the author analyses the Provincial Assembly appearances of the Lower Styrian deputy Ivan Dečko during his first term of office (1890–96). In 1885, Dečko moved from Maribor to Celje, found employment in Josip Sernec’s law firm, and visibly encouraged the Slovenian “breakthrough” in the city by the river Savinja. He also applied his thoughtful tactics at the level of the Provincial Assembly when he became a member of the Styrian Provincial Assembly in the Ljutomer rural curia in 1890. With his speeches, petitions, and interpellations in the Provincial Assembly, he and other Slovenian deputies stirred up unrest in the German (liberal) ranks and forced them into national homogenisation. Also under Dečko’s influence, the clever Slovenian politics at the beginning of the 1890s won over the rural areas completely while restricting the Lower Styrian Germans to the cities and certain towns.

Author Biography

  • Filip Čuček, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History


Viri in literatura


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Tiskani viri

Stenographische Protokolle über die Sitzungen des Steierm. Landtages. VII. Landtags-Periode:

- I. Session, 11., 16., 19., 21. Sitzung, 1890.

- II. Session, 21., 23. Sitzung, 1892.

- III. Session, 20., 21., 25., 26. Sitzung, 1893.

- IV. Session, 22. Sitzung, 1894.

- VI. Session, Anhang A, Verzeichnis der Mitglieder der steierm. Landtages vom Jahre 1895/96, XXXIV.






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