“We Have Come So Far That Creditors Are More Afraid of Bankruptcy than Debtors.”

The Activities of the Ljubljana and Zagreb Creditor Protection Societies in the Interwar Period





Yugoslav Creditors Protection Society, Society of Industrialists and Wholesalers, creditors’ association, bankruptcy, compulsory settlement


The following contribution presents the activities of the Yugoslav Creditors Protection Society in Zagreb and the Society of Industrialists and Wholesalers in Ljubljana in the interwar period. The two organisations focused on protecting the interests of creditors in the Yugoslav economy and strived to recover as much as possible from the debtors for their members. The Societies would meet their objectives through the efforts of several departments specialising in the specific aspects of insolvency, from archiving documents to providing legal assistance to creditors. They also maintained connections with other similar associations in Yugoslavia and abroad. Furthermore, they were politically engaged and strived to modernise the Yugoslav economic legislation, especially regarding bankruptcies and compulsory settlements. Both Societies were still active during World War II, but they closed down soon after.

Author Biography

  • Ivan Smiljanić, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino

    Ivan Smiljanić has graduated from history and Russian studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in 2016 and acquired a MSc in history at the same university in 2019. In the same year, he became a junior researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History in Ljubljana. The topic of his dissertation is bankruptcies in Slovenia between 1868 and 1941. He is publishing articles on monuments, public memory nd economic hitsory in Slovene history magazines. He coauthored a comic book on the burning of Trieste National Hall (2020) and published a book on the cult of poet France Prešeren in socialist Yugoslavia (2021).


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