German Representatives of the Rural and Urban Curiae in the Lower Styrian Provincial Assembly 1848–1918


  • Filip Čuček Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History



German members of the Provincial Assembly, Styria, Graz, constitutional period, nationalism, turn of the century


In the following contribution, the author analyses the German members of the Lower Styrian Provincial Assembly (urban and rural curiae) in the period from 1848/61 to 1918. After the restoration of the constitutional life in 1861, a Slovenian party (a party in the pre-modern sense), which strived for language and national equality, and a German “constitutional” party were formed. The national question was becoming increasingly topical in the Austrian political arena. While the national component was still not so prominent at the first election, it already gained a more evident role until the next by-election. In the following years (decades), nationalism intensified and influenced a progressively national attitude of the German (as well as the Slovenian) representatives.

Author Biography

  • Filip Čuček, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History


Internetni viri

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