Parliament and Time

On the Perception of Time in the Modern Parliament


  • Jure Gašparič Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History



parliament, rules of procedure, quantitative analysis, language


As an important and often decisive factor, time in particular has an impact on political life. In the work of parliaments, its importance comes to the fore in a very concrete form. In the discussion at hand, we will attempt to understand the modern perception of time on the one hand and the political dimensions and their impact on the other hand. The central thesis that we will adhere to is the following: in the modern era, time has become a crucial commodity. It needed to be managed rationally, which therefore called for efficient operations. The perception of time coincided with the need to regulate it, to adjust to the much-needed speed. Stemming from this postulate, the perception of politics and the political was changing. In the methodological sense, the present discussion is based on an analysis of the past manipulations with time (in the 19th and 20th centuries) – on a quantitative analysis of the scope of work of the last parliamentary decades and, in particular, on an analysis of the perception of time among deputies as expressed in their speeches (the latter has been achieved using the possibilities nowadays offered to the researchers by corpus linguistics and the siParl 2.0 text corpus).

Author Biography

  • Jure Gašparič, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History



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