"Militarizacija materinstva" – ženski "naravni poklic" in vélika vojna


  • Ana Cergol Paradiž Oddelek za zgodovino, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza vLJubljani




motherhood, fertility, education, children, women


With the help of publications, legislation, memoranda and promotional material, this article shows how various actors in the Slovene-speaking area, during the First World War, addressed their mothers, and if also in their cases, the phenomenon of the "militarization of motherhood" was shown, which was typical of other European countries. In the context of the discourse "militarization of motherhood", it analyzes the ways of how female (national) identity was formed. It tries to answer the question of what (patriotic) duties were imposed to women as mothers, for example, if as a result of declining birth rates in that time, even we encountered pronatalistic initiatives, especially those that were advocating social and health protection of (illegitimate) mothers and children. It also analyzes the views on the educational work of mothers at the time when this was, due to the absence of fathers, irregular lessons and the difficult war situation, even more difficult. At the same time, it studies the representations of women as mourning mothers at the deaths of their sons-soldiers. In this context, it establishes that during the war, the motif of a mourning, but brave and proud mother was frequent also in the Slovene press. A separate chapter presents the views of female authors on the topic of motherhood.


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