“Yugoslav Borders are on the Baltic, Polish Borders on the Adriatic”:Yugoslavia, Poland, and the Yugoslav Recognition of the Oder-Neisse Line





Yugoslavia, Poland, border issue, bilateral relations, separate paths to socialism


In September 1957, during a Polish delegation’s visit to Belgrade, the Yugoslav leadership recognised the Oder-Neisse line as the official Polish-German border. This decision was soon followed by the establishment of diplomatic relations between Yugoslavia and the
German Democratic Republic. In response, the Federal Republic of Germany invoked the Hallstein Doctrine, resulting in a renewed escalation of tensions in Central Europe after a period of easing relations between East and West. This paper examines the involvement of
Polish diplomacy in the Yugoslav recognition of the Oder-Neisse line. Based on the Polish and Yugoslav foreign policy, Party, and media sources, it places Yugoslav support for Poland’s border issue within the broader context of Polish-Yugoslav relations and explores the course and consequences of this bilateral interaction. Employing a relational approach and the concept of international friendship, the paper illustrates how the cooperation between Poland and Yugoslavia advanced the individual and mutual interests of both states. It also explores how they affirmed their identities and roles on the global stage while striving to evade superpower dominance and shape their foreign policies.


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Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza. Komitet Centralny w Warszawie.

Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczpospolitej Polski (AMSZ), Varšava.

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Arhiv Jugoslavije (AJ), Beograd.

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Kabinet Predsednika Republike.

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