“Learning German and Exercising Are Come First.” German Occupation in the School Chronicles of the Primary Schools of Frankolovo, Vransko and Vojnik





World War II, school chronicles, occupation, Štajerska, Vojnik, Vransko, Frankolovo


School chronicles have been published since their inception an irreplaceable historical source which, in addition to providing information about the school that ran it, offers a much broader picture of the pulse of an environment, of the daily life of the local population, its imagined world and value system. Historians also use such sources, historians build knowledge about an event, a development, a process. At shedding light on the period of the Second World War and the occupation, which is fundamentally which shook Slovenian society, school chronicles, chronicles of elementary schools Frankolovo, Vransko and Vojnik. They contain a wealth of interesting impressions and testimonies of "little people" about "big events«.


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