The Student Movement 1968/1971 in Ljubljana in wider context


  • Zdenko Čepič Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino / Institute of Contemporary History



student movements, student protests, politics, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana



            In 1968, during the political events of this year ("Prague Spring" and its end, US presidential elections, protests against the war in Vietnam, ...) significant student protests. They were all over Europe, the most intense in Paris. They were also in Yugoslavia, in Belgrade (early June). In Ljubljana, students in their protests were more socially oriented than political. More political occurred in students' protests in Ljubljana were in April and May 1971, when the Faculty of Arts students took over for eight days. The author presents the work of students in Ljubljana in 1968 and 1971 on the basis of the documents of the Slovenian student movement.


Sources and Literature

Archival Sources:

• SI AS, Arhiv Republike Slovenije:

- AS 1589, Stenografske beleške sa IX. zajedničke sednice Predsedništva in Izvršnog komitete CK SKJ, održane 9. VI. 1968, 77.


• “Revolucioniranje družbe in universe.” In: Baškovič, Ciril, Pavle Gantar, Marjan Pungartnik and Pavle Zgaga. Študentsko gibanje: 1968–72. Ljubljana: Republiška konferenca ZSMS, Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS, 1982.

• Ilich, Iztok. “Naša pomlad 1971.” In: Pričevanja, december 1985: študentske pomladi, edited by Iztok Ilich, Darko Štrajn, and Jaša L. Zlobec. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga, 1986.

• Klinar, Peter. “Vzroki študentskih nemirov in protestov.” Teorija in praksa: revija za družbena vprašanja 8, No. 3 (1971): 381–96.

• Pirjevec, Jože. Jugoslavija 1918-1992: nastanek, razvoj ter razpad Karadjordjevićeve in Titove Jugoslavije. Koper: Lipa, 1995.

• Repe, Božo. “Liberalizem” v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: RO ZZB NOV Slovenije, 1992.

• Štrajn, Darko. “Nekoč je bilo študentsko gibanje?.” In: Pričevanja, december 1985: študentske pomladi, edited by Iztok Ilich, Darko Štrajn, Jaša L. Zlobec. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga, 1986.

• Tribuna. “Prove yourself alive.” October 10, 1971.

Printed Sources:

• Baškovič, Ciril, Pavle Gantar, Marjan Pungartnik and Pavle Zgaga. Študentsko gibanje: 1968-72. Ljubljana: Republiška konferenca ZSMS, Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS, 1982.



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