On the Aspirations to National Sovereignty

(Seventy Years After the Major Debate on the National Question in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia of 1923)


  • Jurij Perovšek Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Kongresni trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana


Komunistična partija Jugoslavije, nacionalno vprašanje, unitarizem, centralizem, federalizem, samoodločba, 1923, Neodvisna delavska stranka Jugoslavije


The author outlines an extensive theoretical and political debate held on the national question in the press sponsored by the Independent Workers' Party of Yugoslavia, from May to December of 1923. The fact is stressed that on the basis of the resulting conclusions the CPY abandoned its original unitary and centralist views developing a new national programme based on the then Yugoslav realities. The programme insisted on every Yugoslav people's right to self-determination, and advocated a federal principle in matters of state organization. The programme was officially adopted by the third state Conference of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia held in Belgrade in January 1924 that also defined practically all issues of the national policy subsequently followed by the Party.






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