Parlamentarna razprava v prvi Jugoslaviji
Ključne besede:
Yugoslavia, politics, parliament, parliamentary democracyPovzetek
In the following contribution the author analyses the key characteristics of the parliamentary discussion in the National Assembly of the Kingdom of SHS / Yugoslavia. He builds on the thesis that the discussion was the public mirror of the parliament and the aspect which allows us to make conclusions about how the problems in the state were perceived as well as about the general democratic standards. The article first presents the parliamentary (procedural) rules, then describes the characteristics of the budgetary discussion, and finally focuses specifically on the »critical mo- ments« – use of non-parliamentary expressions, interruptions of the sessions, and disturbances. These were characteristic of the parliament. The contribution concludes with the analysis of the discussions taking place in the 1930s, when the formal and substantive aspects of parliamentary democracy were limited.
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