The Yugoslav National Party and the Question of a Slovene Banovina (1939-1941)


  • Jurij Perovšek Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Kongresni trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana


Banovina Slovenija, Yugoslav National Party, liberalism, national integrationism, unitarianism, cultural struggle


The idea of a Slovene banovina, modeled on the Banovina Croatia, the Croatian administrative unit within the Kingdom of Yugoslavia established on 16 August 1939, was met with great reserve by the Yugoslav National Party (YNP). The YNP, which based its policy upon the idea of Yugoslav national integration, a single economic market and a "higher national and ethnic level" would only accept a solution whereby (limited) provincial autonomy was conditioned by a strong unifying role of the Yugoslav state. The YNP considered the question of a Slovene banovina with the view to preserving, as far as possible, the principle of unitarism. This was the criterion on which it also insisted with regards to other issues concerning Slovene national, cultural, social and economic development between 1939 and 1941.




