Mariborske poti Leona Novaka - Feliksa
Ključne besede:
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Leon Novak, Association of Young Intellectuals, textile workers’ strike of 1936, resistance in Maribor in 1941Povzetek
In her contribution the author focuses on the political activity of the composer and communist Leon Novak from Maribor in the 1930s and during the first months of the German occupation. In the spring of 1941, after the occupation authorities had been established in Maribor, he became one of the organisers of the Partisan resistance. In the autumn of 1941 Gestapo arrested him and he was shot after being severely tortured. In the Party documents his role was labelled as treacherous, which is why Novak was completely overlooked by the post-war historiography. In her contribu- tion the author focuses especially on Novak’s activities in the Association of Young Intellectuals (1935-1936), his role in the organisation of the large textile strike in Maribor (1936), his political activities related to the National Assembly elections (1938), and his underground activities in the months following the occupation of Maribor until his death. The contribution is based on the preserved archive sources, memorial literature and oral sources.
Avtorji prispevkov, objavljenih v tej reviji, soglašajo z naslednjimi pogoji glede avtorskih pravic:
- Avtorji ohranijo avtorske pravice, reviji pa odobrijo pravico do prve objave. Delo se hkrati zaščiti z licenco za prosto uporabo avtorskih del (Creative Commons Attribution License), ki drugim osebam omogoča deljenje dela ob priznanju avtorstva in prve objave v tej reviji.
- Avtorji lahko sklenejo ločene dodatne pogodbene dogovore za neizključno distribucijo različice dela, objavljene v reviji, (npr. oddaja v institucionalni repozitorij ali objava v knjigi) z navedbo, da je bilo delo prvič objavljeno v tej reviji.
- Pred postopkom pošiljanja in med njim lahko avtorji delo objavijo v spletu (npr. v institucionalnih repozitorijih ali na svoji spletnih strani), k čemer jih tudi spodbujamo, saj lahko to prispeva k plodnim izmenjavam ter hitrejšemu in obsežnejšemu navajanju objavljenega dela (glej The Effect of Open Access).