Nadvojvoda Evgen 1863-1954


  • Gregor Antoličič Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa, ZRC SAZU


Ključne besede:

nadvojvoda Evgen, prva svetovna vojna, soška fronta, poveljstvo jugozahodne fronte, Maribor, Archduke Eugen, World War I, Isonzo Front, Command of the South-West Front



In the article Archduke Eugen 1863–1954 the author deals with the basic biography of Archduke Eugen from his birth until the first months after the Italian involvement into World War I. Archduke Eugen was born in 1863 as a member of the Habsburg dynasty. During his lifetime Eugen achieved a magnificent military career, culminating during the World War I. In fact, after Oskar Potiorek had left the position of the Commander of the Balkan Army, Eugen became his successor. Archduke Eugen remained in this position until May 1915, when Italy entered the war. At this time he became the Commander of the newly-established Command of the South-West Front. From the Slovenian perspective this fact matters not only because the Isonzo Front was under this Command, but also because between May 1915 and March 1916 as well as between March 1917 and November 1917 the headquarters of the Command of the South-West Front were located in the Slovenian city of Maribor. Because of the presence of this Command during the Great War, this city by the river Drava attained an exceptional position in comparison with other Slovenian cities. Archduke Eugen and the renowned Svetozar Boroević von Bojna represent the key protagonists of the organisation and implementation of military actions on the Isonzo battlefield. The core of this article consists of the presentation of the military career of Archduke Eugen, which led him to attain important positions since the beginning of World War I. At the same time the article represents a foundation for the further research of Archduke Eugen's activities during World War I.


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