Učilnica na prostem – Primer Poti miru


  • Petra Testen
  • Tadej Koren



Ključne besede:

WW1, učilnica na prostem, prostor spomina, Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana, open‑air classroom, area of remembrance, Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic



The Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic is a project created under the auspices of the Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation. Walk of Peace is a trail following the remnants of the Isonzo Front. Its intention is to emphasise the values of peace and remembrance of an essential part of the nation's collective consciousness, conveying the tragedy of World War I in light of the important historical heritage. Thus this trail is an extraordinary didactic element, as its authentic locations and areas of remembrance provide a direct link with the past and allow for the efficient implementation of an open‑air classroom.


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Koren, Tadej. Pot miru od Alp do Jadrana. Vodnik po soški fronti. Kobarid : Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju, 2015.

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