Razvoj naftno-plinskega gospodarstva v Sloveniji
Ključne besede:
Slovenia, economy, energy industry, liquid fuels, oil, natural gas, coal industry, electricity industryPovzetek
In the following article the author presents oil and gas economy, the position and role of this energy industry in Slovenia. Slovenia does not produce crude oil and gas and imports all of the required quantities. Production in the northeast of Slovenia, where the Lendava rafinery operated until the year 2000, is symbolic. Slovenia only produces methanol from the imported natural gas, and two oil pipelines are relevant for this country. Even though crude oil production and research in this area has a tradition in Slovenia, lasting for several decades, these fields had been developed especially until 1963, when the federal fund for research in the field of crude oil and gas production was abolished. Among other issues the article also focuses on the structure of final energy consumption, where liquid fuels represent the largest percentage, followed by natural gas. The Slovenian market for liquid fuels and natural gas is relatively small. However, one of the characteristics of the Slovenian liquid fuels market is a sufficient number of modern and ecologically-aware filling stations.
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