Represija nad Slovenci v Porabju v času Rákosijevega režima (1948−1956)
Ključne besede:
Hungary, Rába Valley Slovenians, Rákosi regime, Cominform, deportations, labour campsPovzetek
The article focuses on various phenomena and forms of repression carried out by the authorities of the communist Rákosi regime (especially State Security Service) in the triangle of borders in the Rába Valley, especially after the Cominform Resolution, when it was declared that Yugoslavia was an enemy. This resulted in »war hysteria« aimed against Tito, and the war preparations also involved a preventive »cleansing« of the area bordering on Yugoslavia. South Slavs (also Sloveni‐ ans) became the potential enemies of the regime. One of the most efficient methods for the removal of persons unwanted by the government was deportation to closed work camps in the provinces of Hortobágy, Nagykunság and Hajdúság in the east of Hungary, operating between 1950 and 1953. The coercive measures taken by the authorities against the people include forced labour in the camps, police supervision, physical and psychological maltreatment of the internees, inhuman living conditions and so on. The author bases her presentation of the developments at the time on the relevant archive documents and testimonies of the internees who are still alive.
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