Eksodus iz cone B Svobodnega tržaškega ozemlja (1945−1958)
Ključne besede:
Yugoslavia, Italia, Zone B of the FTT, Zone B of the Venezia Giulia, Italians from Istria, emigration, esuliPovzetek
The article focuses on the exodus from Zone B of the Free Trieste Territory in the context of the wider phenomenon of the exodus of the population of Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia and describes its essential characteristics. The author begins with the evolution of the term »exodus« itself. At first this was a militant expression, but gradually it turned into a general interpretative category, used to refer to a special type of forced relocation taking place in Europe, different from deportation and exile. Then the author analyses the main incentives resulting in the exodus, paying special attention to the policy of the »Slavic‐Italian brotherhood« as a strategy of selective integration, as well as to the operations undertaken by the »people’s authorities«. Similar processes also took place in Zone B of the Free Territory of Trieste, even though there these processes lasted until as late as 1954 due to the uncertainty with regard to which state this territory would belong to. The author focuses mostly on the relations between the Italian population and the new authorities and touches upon certain topics of the most recent research. He also brings the attention to the still unfinished research with regard to the National Liberation Committee for Istria and radio station Radio Venezia Giulia. Finally he also focuses on the final stage of the Trieste question, concluded with the signature of the London Memorandum and followed by the emigration of almost all of the Italian population from Zone B of the Free Territory of Trieste and settlement of exiles in the Trieste territory.
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