»Tod sekla bridka bodo jekla« : arheološko dokumentiranje bojišča prve svetovne vojne ter oborožitev avstro-ogrske in italijanske armade na Rombonu
Ključne besede:
World War I, Rombon, archaeology, Soča Front, battlefield, armamentPovzetek
The following contribution describes the results of the archaeological survey of the high mountain range battlefield at Mr. Rombon, where the Austro-Hungarian and Italian Armies fought between 1915 and 1917. An analysis of modern aerial photographs, revealing numerous fire and communivcation trenches as well as terraces for military barracks, was carried out, while the field survey involved the photographic documenting and mapping of the various positions with the aid of the global positioning system (GPS). The author shows the situation at the individual selected areas of the former battlefield, and he also focuses on the certain aspects of structuring the military positions and their adaptation to the natural circumstances in the high mountain enviroment. On the basis of selected finds from private museum collections, an analysis and presentation of the armament of the Austro-Hungarian and Italian Armies at Rombon was also carried out. This was one of the few examples of the archaeological research of the Soča Front, which would also deserve more attention from the archaeological science.
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