Attainment of Slovenian Independence and Sport


  • Pavlin Tomaž Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport


Ključne besede:

sport, independence, Slovenia, Slovenian Olympic Committee


During the second half of the 19th and then in the 20th century, sport has become an integral part of the Slovenian national essence and culture. It is true that for a long time the expressions "physical education" and "physical culture" were used as umbrella terms for this social area, while in the organisational sense sport was and remains based on organisation in clubs. In the context of organisation a specific structure had been set up after World War II. At the end of the 1980s the first conceptual and organisational changes were introduced, while with the declaration of the Slovenian independence further changes and entry into the international space were implemented. The following contribution reveals the key moments of pre-independence and the first steps towards the preparation of the independence of sports by means of the Slovenian own Olympic Committee, followed by the declaration of independence in June 1991 and its implications for sport. Then the contribution shortly outlines the dilemmas of sport reorganisation stemming from the political-economic transition and the new relationship between the public and club sport after the independence.


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