Preimenovanje in izključevanje kot sestavni del postkomunistične kulture spomina v Sloveniji


  • Oto Luthar Znanstveno raziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Novi trg 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana

Ključne besede:

Slovenia, World War II, memory, collaboration, anticommunism



In The following paper author write about post-communist/post-socialist memory politics. Based on an analysis of the architecture and rhetoric of the new memorial landscape representing the World War II and postwar period in Slovenia, the author investigates how collective memories are mobilized for a radical reinterpretation of the past. In doing so, he particularly thematizes the practice of transvaluing collaboration with the occupying Fascist and Nazi regimes into “anticommunist” patriotism. Addressing the practices that range from the pledge for reconciliation to radical reframing of resistance-collaboration, he focuses on the techniques of transforming perpetrators into victims and vice versa. What recently still appeared as a redistribution of guilt or oneway transformation of perpetrators into victims has turned in Slovene post-communist revisionist memory politics into a complete denial of the crimes committed by Nazi collaboration units and a categorical condemnation of the resistance movement. This is a clear indication that the Slovenes are still far from the so-called “emancipation from heroism and tragedy”

Biografija avtorja

  • Oto Luthar, Znanstveno raziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Novi trg 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana
    Dr., znanstveni svetnik, redni profesor


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