Carniolan Savings Bank and Slovenian-German relations in 1908 and 1909


  • Nataša Henig Miščič



Carniolan Savings Bank, depositors, boycott, bank run, withdrawals, government securities, mortgage loans


At the end of the 19th century, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy experienced national polarization. During the last decades before the outbreak of World War I, national contradictions reached great proportions. The culmination of the Slovene–German conflicts in Carniola represented the anti-German riots in Ljubljana in 1908, which led to radical changes in political, economic and social life. Paper presents the importance, which Carniolan Savings Bank had in Slovene territory at the beginning of the 20th century. The article deals specifically with the consequences that Carniolan Savings Bank faced after the events of September 1908, which strongly affected its operations.


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