Yugoslavia and the German Democratic Republic, 1968-1974

Ideological Quarrels and the Primacy of Economic Cooperation


  • Jasper Klomp University of Ljubljana




SFRY, GDR, economic relations, socialist globalisation, joint venture


Following the Warsaw Pact’s military reaction against the Prague Spring, quarrels between the leaderships of the SFRY and GDR soared too. Divergences between Yugoslav and East German socialism were once again emphasised. This resulted in a six-year pause concerning visits by both states’ leaders to the respective other state. The analysis of political and economic contacts between the SFRY and GDR in the period 1968-1974 nevertheless reveals that in this time interval, multiple remarkable forms of economic affiliations were set-up by Yugoslav and East German partners. In a period of complex political relations, Yugoslav and East German actors aimed for mutually beneficial economic cooperation and an alleged alternative to capitalist globalisation.  


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