Skiing and the Images of Gender during the 1920s and 1930s


  • Borut Batagelj Historical Archives Celje



skiing, sport history, gender images


During its pioneering years at the turn of the 20th century, skiing in Slovenia, much like sports in general, was primarily recognised as a field in which the patriarchal social order was being consolidated. Thus, the skiing world was initially dominated by men, though the gradual inclusion of women shows that skiing was not an exclusively male activity. However, the presence of women in skiing was limited and defined by traditional societal expectations and prejudices. Individual forms of skiing – such as competitive cross-country skiing, long-distance running, or ski jumping – became completely established as building blocks of social images that characterised and cultivated the male gender, while, on the other hand, alpine disciplines in particular were much more acceptable for women. The female images of skiing were strongly associated mainly with the search for moderation in these activities and the external image of the participants (fashion). Meanwhile, the circles that dictated the development of skiing in Slovenia saw women primarily in the role of educators.


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