Surviving in the Trenches and the Hinterland: Between Deprivation And Punishment


  • Marko Štepec Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije



World War I, Isonzo Front, trenches, hinterland, militarisation, memory


World War I was not only traumatic for the soldiers in the trenches but also for civilians who experienced labour mobilisation, war attrition, deprivation, and hunger in the hinterland. After encountering the topography of the trenches and the survival strategies that determined everyday life during the war, a completely new, previously unknown world of perceptions involving new hierarchies, rules, and vocabulary was created. Concepts like the “total” mobilisation and militarisation of society illustrate the impact of the war on human relations and reasoning. War Propaganda Offices shaped the image of the enemies and encouraged the search for internal opponents. In the hinterland, many people’s rights were abolished or diminished through a series of measures. The Military Court was given jurisdiction over the civilians. After the armistice, masses of soldiers returned home, and together with the civilian population, they started cleaning up the ruins that were not only material.


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