Cooperation between the Slovenian and Italian Liberation Movements in Eastern Friuli between September 1943 and October 1944


  • Nevenka Troha Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino



resistance movement in Friuli, Slovenian-Italian relations, relations between the Italian and Slovenian Communist Parties, Veneto, Osoppo units, Garibaldi units, the Brda-Veneto Detachment


The following article focuses on the cooperation between the Slovenian and Italian liberation movements in the area of eastern Friuli from the Italian capitulation to the autumn of 1944. At that time, cooperation was crucial for the liberation efforts due to the still overwhelming strength of the occupiers. However, as of the autumn of 1944 – in anticipation of the imminent end of the war and the consolidated position of the Yugoslav liberation movement – the Slovenian liberation movement sought to establish complete control of the areas populated by Slovenians and thus strengthen the Yugoslav position in the post-war negotiations on the new border with Italy.


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