Professor Tone Ferenc and Military History in Slovenia


  • Zdravko Klanjšček


The contribution of Professor Tone Ferenc, Ph.D, to military history, as a part of the general history of the Second World War in Slovenia, is comprehensive. As a history student at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Ljubljana University, he participated in the preparation of manuscripts for Zbornik dokumentov in podatkov o narodnoosvobodilni vojni jugoslovanskih narodov; Boji v Sloveniji (Miscellany of the Documents and Data on the National Liberation War of the Yugoslav Peoples; Battles in Slovenia) He was the editor of Volumes 7 to 11 in Slovene, and the co-author and reviewer of a voluminous book "Naroodnoosvobodilna vojna na Slovenskem 1941-1945" (The National Liberation War in Slovenia 1941-1945). He also wrote important military monographies and can be regarded as the highest authority, as historian, researcher and pedagogue, for the Second World War in Slovenia.





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