The Problem of Top-down Empire Building - the Last Kronprinzenwerk Volume on Croatia-Slavonia


  • Igor Vranic European University Institute



empire-building, nationalism, the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kronprinzenwerk, Kršnjavi


The author examines the last volume of the Kronprinzenwerk on Croatia-Slavonia in the context of the interaction between empire- and nation-building processes, that is, the ways in which imperial expectations of the Kronprinzenwerk differed from the final product done by the local experts. Special emphasis is put on the volume’s editor Izidor Kršnjavi and his editorial policy as well as on the image of Croatia-Slavonia and internal Croatian public debates which occurred during the editorial process of the Kronprinzenwerk and its political implications. 

Author Biography

  • Igor Vranic, European University Institute
    Phd Researcher - History and Civilization department


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