The Legal Nature of the State and the Kingdom of SHS in the Context of the Conflicting Yugoslav Ideologies


  • Igor Ivašković



State of SHS, Kingdom of SHS, Kingdom of Serbia, Yugoslav ideologies, constitution


Acstract: The main thesis of the article is that the differences in the interpretations of the legal natures of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes were not the consequence of legal uncertainty, but rather reflected yet another among the many political battles in the conflict between the opposing Yugoslav ideologies. The author uses the international and constitutional criteria to analyse the dilemmas regarding the legal nature of the State of SHS and the legal (dis)continuity between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of SHS. He argues that: 1) the State of SHS satisfied the fundamental requirements to be considered as a state; and 2) the Kingdom of SHS was a new state, as it was not created according to the standards of the Serbian Constitution. Moreover, it suspended the constitutional continuity of the Kingdom of Serbia.


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