The Questions of the Ideological, Political, Social, National, and Cultural Co-habitation in the Thought and Practice of the Slovenian Marxists Since the End of the 19th Century Until the Beginning of World War II


  • Vida Deželak Barič Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Kongresni trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana


Slovenia, Yugoslav Social–Democratic Party, Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Communist Party of Slovenia, democracy, revolution


The following contribution focuses on the definitions and direct activities in the context of the Marxist ideological–political camp since the middle of the 1890s, when the Yugoslav Social– Democratic Party was established, and in the period of the First Yugoslavia, when the Marxists were divided between the reform and revolutionary ideas. The article looks at their envisioned socio–economic concept, based primarily on the interests of the working class, and consequently on the conception and realisation of democracy. Furthermore the article analyses the Marxist attitude and practical reactions towards the Catholic, liberal, as well as the internally diverse Marxist camp. It also clears up the interests of the nation as a whole, as well as the concepts of the cultural development in view of the other ideological–political orientations in Slovenia.




