“Provvidenze, dirette a potenziare le forze vitali della popolazione italiana”

People’s Hardships And The Fascist Social Policy In Izola In The Interwar Period


  • Urška Bratož Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper




fascism, social policies, pronatalism, Izola, ONMI, UFFN, ECA


The present contribution looks at how the social issues were addressed in the interwar period (which, in the case of the Slovenian Littoral, also involved a transition to a different social system due to the change in the political regime), using the example of Izola, where the Italian policies had to be integrated into the existing social systems, in particular through the creation of special state entities in the field of social welfare after the rise of fascism.

The examples of subsistence hardships in Izola can be used to identify some of the most vulnerable groups of the population, which often received several different forms of support at the same time in order to solve their material distress, at least for a while. The contribution also specifically discusses the intertwining of the fascist ideology with social and demographic issues, as the state saw their resolution as a means of gaining military and political power.


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