Archive Material on the National Liberation War (1941-1945) and its Processing


  • Marija Oblak-Čarni Arhiv Republike Slovenije


arhivsko gradivo, narodnoosvobodilni boj, druga svetovna vojna


The paper deals with the archival processing of the material from the Second World War period (200 running meters, 650 group records and collections), which was produced by various bodies, organizations and military units of the National Liberation Movement and is now deposited in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. The material has been classified according to origin and, within individual group records, according to classification schemes. The received material is regularly kept separately from the issued. This basic method of document depositing was used in wartime conditions until Autumn 1944. Towards the end of the war, the situation on the liberated territory allowed a more ordered correspondence and, especially, an exercise of control over the deposited archives. This enabled the Executive Committee of the National Liberation Front, the Slovenian National Liberation Council and other organizations to begin subject classification of the received and issued documents.

