Nazi Recruitment and Training of Soviet Prisoners of War on the Example of the 162nd Turkestani Division (1942–1943)


  • Denis Cerkvenik ZRS Koper/ FF LJ



Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral, Nazism, Collaboration, Second World War, Soviet Union, Turkestan, Islam


The article focuses on the collaborationists of the 162nd Turkestani Division as an example of how the Nazis recruited volunteers among the Soviet prisoners of war and attempted to ideologically indoctrinate and discipline them in order to integrate them into the Wehrmacht as successfully as possible. Despite the efforts to integrate Turkestani volunteers into the German army, tensions persisted between the Turkestani and German soldiers, which became evident when the 162nd Turkestani Division arrived at the Operation Zone of the Adriatic Littoral.


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PERS 6-1679 Niedermayer, Oskar Ritter von, Prof. Dr., geb. 8. 11. 1885 Kommandeur d. Osttruppen z.b.V. 703 b. Oberbefh. West.

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Pol XIII-R 105186 Lage der russischen Emigration in Italien.


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