Lingerie as a Stimulus for the Development of the Novo Mesto Textile Industry


  • Stane Granda retired scientific councilor



Ivan Modic, Dolenjska region, the textile industry


Labod, in the city of Novo mesto, was one of the leading textile factories in Yugoslavia. It was severely impaired and practically destroyed by the European textile industry crisis and the Slovenian social transition after 1991. It was established by the peddler Ivan Medic and tailor Joško Povh. Medic took advantage of the demand for women’s underwear after World War I. Using a supply system that remained a permanent characteristic of his business operations, he raised enough capital and loans to build the first textile factory in the Dolenjska region. Later, his company specialised in the production of men’s shirts. Shortly before World War II, he established another textile factory, which was later renamed Novoteks.

Ivan Medic’s activities and business operations represent an example of the remarkable success of a man from the countryside who, thanks to the considerable lingerie demand, rose from a mere peddler and raw materials supplier to become a leading trans-regional entrepreneur of his time.


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