Vloga in pomen veteranskih organizacij v sodobnih družbah
Ključne besede:
Slovenia, war for Slovenia 1991, veterans, veteran organisationsPovzetek
As the historical memory of the war efforts of the society is getting increasingly remote and profound, the question of the role and importance of veteran organisations is becoming more and more topical. The issues associated with the veteran bonuses, provided for by the law, which we otherwise define with the concept of the functional imperative of veteran organisations, are coming to the forefront. At the same time the possibilities for the substantive integration of the individuals or veteran organisations as a whole into the functioning of the civil and social communities as well as the system of education and schooling are becoming less evident and are, as a rule, overlooked. This can be defined with the role of the social imperative, which defines the former in the long term. The fact that veteran organisations move away from the modern functioning of the societies means that the potentially significant experience, knowledge and understanding, vital for a more successful development and perhaps prevention of the repetition of certain mistakes from the recent history of the nations, may be lost.
Avtorji prispevkov, objavljenih v tej reviji, soglašajo z naslednjimi pogoji glede avtorskih pravic:
- Avtorji ohranijo avtorske pravice, reviji pa odobrijo pravico do prve objave. Delo se hkrati zaščiti z licenco za prosto uporabo avtorskih del (Creative Commons Attribution License), ki drugim osebam omogoča deljenje dela ob priznanju avtorstva in prve objave v tej reviji.
- Avtorji lahko sklenejo ločene dodatne pogodbene dogovore za neizključno distribucijo različice dela, objavljene v reviji, (npr. oddaja v institucionalni repozitorij ali objava v knjigi) z navedbo, da je bilo delo prvič objavljeno v tej reviji.
- Pred postopkom pošiljanja in med njim lahko avtorji delo objavijo v spletu (npr. v institucionalnih repozitorijih ali na svoji spletnih strani), k čemer jih tudi spodbujamo, saj lahko to prispeva k plodnim izmenjavam ter hitrejšemu in obsežnejšemu navajanju objavljenega dela (glej The Effect of Open Access).