
  • Lidija Bencetić Hrvatski institut za povijest




The first Croatian youth journal Istarski borac/IBOR was published in Pula from 1953 to 1979 (with two minor interruptions). The journal was published by the Istarski Borac Literary Club with the objective of preserving the Croatian language in Istria. The journal developed a reputation as a critical media in the 1970s, covering more and more cultural, local and social themes whose tone was not well-received by the socialist authorities, so the financing of the journal was cancelled in 1979 after which it ceased publication. The reason for the suspension of the journal was the poem »Please Master« by Allen Ginsberg, but the party documents reveal that the motive was also political. The question this article is trying to answer is whether the work of the last editorial board of Istarski borac/IBOR can be considered a culture of dissent?


Sources and References

Archival Sources:

• Hrvatski državni arhiv (Croatian State Archive), Zagreb (Croatia):

- HR HDA 1220, Savez komunista Hrvatske. Centralni komitet.

- HR HDA 1605, Republička samoupravna interesna zajednica kulture.

- HR HDA 1231, Republička konferencija Saveza socijalističke omladine Hrvatske.


• Krušelj, Željko. Igraonica za odrasle: Polet 1976.–1990. Rijeka: Adamić, 2015.

• Peternel–Lorenzin, Marija. Bibliografija časopisa “Istarski borac” – “Ibor”: (1953.–1979.). Pula: Istarski ogranak Društva hrvatskih književnika, 2006.

• Petrinić, Dolores. Hrvatska književnost u istarskim časopisima druge polovice XX. st. Rijeka: Društvo hrvatskih književnika, 2007.

• Zubak, Marko. The Yugoslav Youth Press: (1968 – 1980): student movements, youth subcultures and Communist alternative media. Zagreb: Srednja Europa; Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2018.

Newspaper Sources:

• Crnobori, Albino. “Što je za moju generaciju značio literarni klub ‘Istarski borac’.” Istarski mozaik, No. 5–6 (1968): 412–15.

• Cvitan, Vladimir. “Intervju: Predrag Matvejević. Dosta gruba smjenjivanja.” Polet (Zagreb), January 23, 1980, 9, 10.

• Černjul, Armando. “Dosta grube dezinformacije.” Polet (Zagreb), February 6, 1980, 2.

• Černjul, Armando. “Kome služi ‘Ibor’?” Večernji list (Istrian), October 3, 1979, 6.

• Glas Istre, 1979.

• IBOR Redaction. “Fusnote za A. Černjula.” Večernji list (Istrian), November 1, 1979, 6.

• Istarski borac, 1953–1979.

• Ivezić, Ljubica. “I jedna važna obljetnica između na koju ne treba zaboraviti,” Dometi (Rijeka) No. 5–6 (1992): 95–100.

• Pitanja, 1980.

• Polet, 1980.

• Večernji list (Istrian), 1979.

Online Sources:

• Istarski borac. Accessed December 18, 2018, Metelgrad - Digitalizirani časopisi. http://library.foi.hr/m3/kds1.php?B=1&sqlx=S02008&ser=&sqlid=1&sqlnivo=&css=&H=pula&U=05.

• Matica hrvatska [Matrix Croatica]. http://www.matica.hr/kolo/408/nacionalno-i-univerzalno-u-obzorima-zavicajnosti-23142/.




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