The First Yugoslavia and “Its” Diaspora in Brazil

From the Engagement of Emigrant Activists to the Oblivion of the Community


  • Miha Zobec



Brazil, the Kingdom of SCS/Yugoslavia, the Yugoslav diaspora, the Julian March diaspora


The author deals with the Yugoslav diaspora in Brazil during the interwar period. Even though formation of the Yugoslav diaspora out of Slovene and Croat emigrant communities was in line with Yugoslavia’s aspirations for organizing emigrant communities on the Yugoslav basis, foundations of south Slavic cooperation in Brazil had been present already before the First World War.  The Yugoslav diaspora in Brazil was very fragile and its contacts with the “homeland” were only superficial. Several factors contributed to that, among them most significantly the absence of Yugoslavia’s concern for the emigrants in Brazil and the Brazilian policy of nationalizing the immigrants on the other. The emigrant activists sought to compensate the absence of Yugoslavia’s engagement, but their actions would often lead to the increased fragmentation of the community. The author moreover deals with the community of Slovene emigrants from the Julian March region. While part of this community identified with the Yugoslav diaspora, its other segment remained autonomous.


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