A Survey of the Publicly Declared Standpoints of the Free Territory of Trieste Communist Party and the Communist Party of Italy Regarding the Memorandum on the Consensus and the Position of the Slovene Minority in the Trieste Region


  • Hilarij Frančeškin


KP STO, Svobodno tržaško ozemlje, Komunistična partija Italije, Memorandum o soglasju, Jugoslavija, Italija, mejno vprašanje, meje, tržaško vprašanje, povojno obdobje, slovenska manjšina, Londonski memorandum


Drawing on the publicly declared standpoints of the Free Territory of Trieste Communist Party (KP STO) and the Communist Party of Italiy (KPI) the author elucidates and documents the response generated by the acceptance of the memorandum on the consensus of October 5, 1954 between the governments of Italy, Great Britain and the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the USA which concluded the lenghtly efforts towards the solution of certain issues between Italy and Yugoslavia. The agreement also provoked negative responses, particularly in the ranks of the KPI and the KP STO as a consequence of the strained relations between the Communist Parties after the Informbureau. In the decade between 1954-1964 the views of the KPI on this memorandum crystallized, they became more rational and balanced, as did the relations between the KPI and ZKJ (the Communist League of Yugoslavia)




